
The Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali) is an independent administrative authority established by the so-called privacy law (Law No. 675 of 31 December 1996) and regulated subsequently by the Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003) as amended by Legislative Decree No. 101 of 10 August 2018, which also established that the Italian DPA is the supervisory authority responsible for monitoring application of the General Data Protection Regulation (pursuant to Article 51 of Regulation No. 2016/679).


The Italian DPA is based only in Rome.

Our Address:
Piazza Venezia 11 – 00187 Roma
Phone: +39 06.696771

Email account:

Certified email account: (this account can only receive mail from PEC-certified email accounts)

Front Office
If you need information on processing and protecting personal data or wish to submit reports or claims to the DPA or ask questions, or if you need support regarding proceedings and relationships with the DPA or just would like to receive documents and information materials.
Open: Mon-Fri, 10 AM to 12,30 PM

–  Phone: +39 06.69677.2917 (Monday to Friday, 10 to 12:30)

–  Email account:

Media and Outreach Service
If you are a journalist or work in the media and communications sector.
Phone: +39 06.6967.72752

Questions and suggestions on the contents and operation of the website should be sent to:

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