How to Make a Computer Virus

In computer programming A «virus» is a piece of code which can be attached to other programs or files. They hide until activated, and they can do anything from corrupting data to sending out e-mails which clog inboxes to erasing the hard drive. Computer viruses can be classified into four phases (inspired by biologists classified by real-life virus’s life cycle).

The majority of people don’t make viruses for destruction, however. There are many reasons. One is bragging rights, as a kid who folds the paper plane in a creative and imaginative way to see how far it can fly before it is destroyed. Some people are motivated by the same psychological motivations as arsonists and vandals – they are enticed by taking away property of others. For a specific type of programmer, a virulent computer virus could be an Mount Everest, and they’re compelled to explore the lengths they can take it while trying to avoid detection.

Some viruses use polymorphic codes that change in a slight manner each time they attack a computer or an application. This makes it difficult for anti-virus companies to find and remove all copies from a system. Other viruses rely on the presence of a «trigger» to start spreading, such as a user action or a timed countdown (to obscure the source of the virus).

You will not achieve anything by creating a virus, trojan or worm or any other malicious software as a way to get revenge or payback, or even amusing pranks. There is a good chance that you’ll be convicted. Consider the alternatives which are more fun and secure than creating an unintentional program that could cause severe damage or even wipe out your entire hard drive.

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